Final Film Blog


"Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself"

Final film linked below.

Final Film: Arbour


For research I researched films that fit the genre and having features which correlate with our film. The first film I looked at was knives out, this film is about a murder of a reputable crime novelist who's family end up all being potential murder suspects. The family call upon a detective called Benoit Blanc to investigate the murder. This film has multiple aspects that are similar to our film. For example, the colour grading in most scenes are similar to the type of colour grading in our film, another aspect of the film that is similar is the fact that a murder has been committed but the audience don't know who did it. This aspect is quite a key aspect in our film, this is because in our film the crime has been commited and you know the person is dead but the audience don't know who did it, either Eleanor or Kyle or neither no one knows all the way throughout the film, this creates suspense and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats while watching. Here is the trailer to the first Knives Out film that came out in 2019.

Knives Out Trailer (Click Blue Link)

Another film that we looked at was Nerve, Nerve is a film where no one knows anybody's intentions, the film is about  a viral game that everyone plays and your either a watcher or a player, if you are a watcher you watch live streams of the players doing crazy dares which most of the time are life threatening. And if you are a player you are the one doing the dares and you have to gain as many viewers in your live stream as possible to win.The similarities in Nerve and our film is that you truly don't know anyone's intentions and who's telling the truth and who isn't. Nerve came out in 2016 and is ranked 67% on rotten tomatoes, it is a very enjoyable and suspenseful film. Quite a few aspects of this film correlate with stuff that happens in our film as they are both quite suspenseful films

Nerve Trailer   (Click Blue Link)


Candidate Name: Joshua Jorgensen

Candidate Number: 02101566

Pathway: Film and Tv

Project Title: Arbour


When I started this course I only really knew the basics, for example the main roles in the industry, Director, Camera operators, Producer, Director of photography, Lighting operators. I now know that they're far more roles in the industry that I did not know before, for example runners, grip, Art Directors, costume designers and many more! After finishing this course I have aquired skills that will help me in the future to be able to create great pieces of work and I am so excited to get started on more projects. I have also aquired more of an understanding of the industry and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Project Concept:

Our film is a mystery/thriller and consists of two characters Eleanor and Kyle who both wake up at a tree next to a river in the forest, Eleanor and Kyle start to freak out as they don't know what's happening and why they are there. After freaking out Kyle and Eleanor introduce themselves to one another and try a find a way out. Furthermore Kyle asks Eleanor if she could see anything that could possibly help them, but then Eleanor sees what she called a box above her, she tells Kyle and they both struggle up towards the object which turned out to be a walkie Talkie, which they use and suddenly there is an eerie voice which answers them. This the masked man the person behind it all. He starts to taunt and intimidate them after this the film starts to unfold and you get to see the true intensions of the masked man and why he is doing what he's doing to Eleanor and Kyle. The film Knives out was a big inspiration for this film as it's all about the audience and the characters in the film not knowing exacty what's going on and has everybody on the edge of their seats. I aim to make sure this piece is suspenseful and keeps the audience engaged throughout the film, I also aim to ensure the film is at a high standard and enjoyable to watch.


Before the making of the film I will make sure to create a group chat on teams with all cast and crew members to ensure that there is a good communication with everyone who will be on set and post production crew. This will help with making sure everyone involved knows exactly what is happening and when. I will also create scheduling cards to make myself and my co-Director feel more prepared as we can look at them and know exactly what we are doing on each day of filming. Working in a collaborative pair will positively benefit our film as there is two of us making things such as paperwork more time effective, which means we can move faster with production once pre-prodution has been completed.

Proposed Research:

Knives out. (2019). [Film]. Boston: Lionsgate Films. Nerve. (2016). [Film]. New York City: Lionsgate Murder Mystery. (2023). [Film]. Paris France: Happy Madison Productions. Abduction. (2011). [Film]. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Lionsgate. The Society. (2019). [Film]. Lancaster, Massachusetts: Netflix. Death On The Nile. (2022). [Film]. Surrey: 20th Century Studios.

Project Action Plan And Timetable

Week 1 14th April      This week I intend to start my side of the paperwork as me and my co-Director Martin Cunningham shared the paperwork, and also make a teams groupchat with all cast and crew.

Week 2 21st April       This week I intend to continue to finish all paperwork and create scheduling cards.

Week 3 28th April        This week I intend to have all paperwork completed and focus on the production of the film.

Week 4 5th May            This week I intend to ensure that everything is in order ready to film for next week, I will do this by communicating with the cast and crew via teams.

Week 512th May            This week I intend to of starting production and filming with cast and crew on location, I will do this by communicating with the cast and crew via teams and make sure that everyone can get to the location.

Week 6 13th May           This week we intend to start editing and have editing done by the end of the week.












To start of production as a team we started creating our characters and created character breakdowns to give these characters backgrounds and traits to ensure we portray our characters how we want them to be portrayed on screen. By creating character Breakdowns we can fully understand the characters giving the production team the knowledge when filming to be able to completely show the character on screen and show the audience exactly who this character is, how they act, talk and present themselves. Second thing we created was a mood board of the film this included our characters and images that relate to the film, this is to show for example the colour grading we want to use, props, costume etc. After all paperwork was completed we started to film. On the first day we filmed scenes 1 to 6,  but firstly we had to set up at our chosen location. We started setting up by getting the equipment that we were going to be using out, we then set up the camera by putting the sd card and battery in. Shortly after getting the equipment set up and ready to film we put our actors Charley Hill and Connor Errington in their positions, and put the chain around them. We then started to film scene 1,  this scene consists of when Eleanor and Kyle are first introduced and wake up at the tree freaking out until they come to terms with what's happening and try figure a way out of the situation, they then find a walkie talkie and speak into it, when suddenly a eerie toned voice comes through which is the masked man, after filming this scene we wrapped for the day and packed up all the equipment and left the location. On the second day of filming we started to film the remaining scenes which includes the masked man (Mark Bergman) this went very well as Mark's voice impression was really good and worked really well with the character. After filming all scenes with Mark we wrapped up the day for the last time and ended our shoot out on location. After returning to college we filmed Mark's voiceover for the wakie talkie scene as the audio from when we filmed out on location was too muffled and hard to hear. After filming the voiceover we started to edit. The editing process was a fun process as we made sure the shots weren't to over exposed because of the reflection of the light on the water. When we finished editing it was time to export it and make sure it was ready to be premiered on the 13th of June at the ARC.

Photos taken on set


This film will be distributed on the Ufilms YouTube Channel as well as our personal YouTube Channel's. On the 13th of June the film will be premiered at the Arc in Stockton-on-Tees amongst everyone else's films. We do this at the Arc each year to show to a audience our films and to see what our films look like on the big screen. Furthermore if we wanted too we could enter the film into film festivals. Me and my co-director Martin Cunningham will have this film on both of our YouTube Channel's also. What is distribution? The distribution of a film is where the film is going to be aired or shown, for example our film is going to be distributed via YouTube.


Firstly I think the process of making this film went really well, this is because of the way we showed teamwork, hard work, perseverance throughout the filming process which made for a great turn out of the film. The actors were amazing and did a great job and did exactly what we asked of them this made on shoot days run very smoothly and quickly, this was great time management wise. Secondly we got everything filmed that we wanted to get filmed each day of shooting, meaning we never had to go back to location after the days that were planned for filming. This worked massively in our favour because that meant we had more time to edit and make sure it is to a high standard. Our filming location was at Preston park which isn't too far away and meant we didn't have to travel far via Taxi with cast and crew, plus the equipment. Our location was quite scenic this meant our shot where visually appealing for the audience to enjoy while watching. The equipment we used were a camera, 2x Batteries, Tripod. All the equipment was useful and helped to create our film and make it to the highest standard we  could. We did mostly use the camera handheld but we did have to use the tripod when we needed still shots for some scenes. On this film my roles where Co-Director and D.O.P, being these two roles were really fun to do and I think being the Director Of Photography was my favourite role as I really enjoy being on camera and making certain decisions to make the shots look nice and visually appealing to the audience. This project has definitley been one of my favourites that i've been apart of. I think my favourite scene is the scene where the masked man (Mark Bergman) plays a game of never I have ever with Eleanor (Charley Hill) and Kyle (Connor Errington), this scene creates so much suspense especially when the masked man (Mark Bergman) says "And lastly, never have I ever taken a life!" I hope to work on more projects like this in the future as it was so fun and enjoyable to make. The decisions made while making this film were all thought out properley to ensure everything we filmed was at the standard we wanted it to be. In conclusion this project was really good experience as I worked on two different roles which gave me a better understanding of what goes into each role and the responsibilty of the roles. I also think that making this film has increased my confidence and taught me that when you have a job to do, do it to the best of your ability and work as hard as you can and persevere to make sure you create something you love and are proud of. I'm so happy that is the film I get to end my time at college on as I am very proud of it and can't wait for people to see it.
