

Final film:


Mood Board


Shot Lists

Pitch Presentation

Story Boards


A drug called social media

This documentary is all about how social media is disrupting everyone from normal day to day tasks, this includes children in schools or any educational space being distracted from their school work and what they're supposed to be doing rather than concentrating on the task at hand not being side tracked by a message from a friend or Instagram notification. Even though social media is a normal part of society in this day and age it is certainly not the best for people and younger people in specific because distracts their minds and feeds them false information about real world problems which may not even be happening this can affect a younger person because they aren't at a age to understand that it might not be true.

How social media is destroying society

Social media can come off as destroying society because people don't communicate in real life as often as they use to, this is due to social media being an easier and less effort way of keeping in touch with your friends and family. However it really does has it's highs and lows, an example of this is that while social media is a great way to keep yourself entertained and to talk to your friends and family that live at a distance from you, it can also be dangerous. 


I set myself the timescale of one month (30 days) this was to make sure that I was able to film my documentary and edit it, this also give me enough time to ensure that I made my documentary the standard I wanted it to be.

Date's I want each stage to be done by

Research  -  28th January 2023

Pitch - 29th January 2023

Idea brainstorm- 2nd february 2023

Final idea - 4th february 2023

Interviews - 6th february 2023

Editing - 10th february - 15th february


Neive Wob

Sophie Medd

Questions for interview

Their name and what they do

In what ways does social media help with your job

How did you first start promoting yourself and what you do?

What do you do to maintain your following

Did you have any connections in the social media industry and if so how did you find them

What would you say to people that want to get started in a online business

What are the benefits of having a social media platform

What is the thinking process behind your designs

What is the best thing you have designed

Filming Process

Firstly I started with brainstorming ideas that I wanted this documentary to be about, my first idea was going to be just about social media and how it has evolved in recent years, but then I thought i'd make it a little more interesting. In the end I came up with the idea of social media and how people with businesses use social media to their advantage. For this to happen I had to find an expert who has business experience and uses social media to promote and expand their business, through my tutor Kane Smith I was able to get in touch with a woman called Neive wob who is a graphic desinger, she is very talented which she shows in her work and even owns her own business. Neive uses social media to push her business and promote it to a wider audience, this helps Neive to gain customers and pick up connections along the way. After securing an interview with Neive I also asked Sophie Medd who is one of my friends, \sophie uses social media more for entertainment purposes and that's why I decided to interview her to get a contrast on someone who uses social media not only for personal use but husiness aswell and someone who uses it for entertainment and to talk to friends and family. Once I had gotten both my interviews scheduled I then went on to figure out how I was goign to do the rest of the documentary. I decided that I wanted to incorporate stock footage which gives the veiwer some other visuals which wasn't just interviews, I did this by looking on the internet for free non-copyright stock footage, while looking on Youtube I found some which I was able to use.  I then downloaded the stock footage for when I started editing. Furthermore thinking about what I wanted to incorporate I thought a voiceover for the introduction of the documentary would be a good idea and this would also get the veiwer locked in from the start. once I had gotten all the things I wanted to feature in the documentary sorted I then went onto to filming it. Firstly I started with editing the first part so that when it came to doing my interviews I could just insert them into the edit. Secondly I made an equipment list for the equipment I would be using for the documentary, this consisted of a camera, Tri-pod ,SD card,  a camera charger, lighting equipment and hadphones to check the audio was good. After completing both of these things it was time to film the first interview with Neive Wob. First I set up for the interview, put the camera on the tripod behind me with SD card in and it was time for the interview. After the interview which went really well I packed the equipment up and planned for the next interview with Sophie Medd. With the interview with Sophie I wanted to ask questions which relate more to a person who uses social media on a daily basis and what she uses it most for. Before the interview I set up lights and the camera equipment, I also got headphones to check the audio levels, after I had done this we started the interview. Once the interview was complete I packed the equipment back up and went straight to the computer to edit.


Overall I had fun making this documentary it was a different way of filmaking and I enjoyed doing it, as it has pushed me to do something a little different to what i'm used too and I hope to do more in the future. But I will say there is definitely things that I would change, for example my lighting in one of the interviews definitely could of been better, and using my phone was probably not the best idea either as it isn't that visible on camera. In future projects I aim to improve these faults as I have learned from my mistakes and will make sure everything is at a higher standard next time. I also think that I could of used maybe more stock footage and a bit more of a voiceover to ensure the veiwer watching doesn't get bored or decide to turn it off. But there were positives to this project for example, I got all that needed to film filmed in the time frame I wanted it to be, I also got it all editd when I wanted it to be edit giving me time to make sure the final cut was what I wanted it look like. In conclusion this project taught me a lot in different ways one of them being that filmaking isn't just making films there's other aspects to the filmmaking world and I hope to explore more in this field of documenting in the future. I also want to thank Neive Wob and Sophie Medd for spending time to be in this project it is much appreciated. Also writing and directing this documentary was a really fun and independent experience for myself, i'm glad that I was able to create a decently good piece of work that I am quite proud of to have which I can also put on my media CV.
