Feature Film

 Feature Film

The link to the Film


Company Name: Stellar Pictures


I researched cinemaphotographers and films they have worked on.

List of DOP'S and films they have worked on

Sir Roger Alexander Deakins CBE - 1917

Walter C. Pfister - Inception

Janusz Zygmunt Kamiński - Saving private Ryan

Christopher Doyle - Fallen Angels

Robert Bridge Richardson - Hugo

Emmanuel Lubezki Morgenstern - The Revenant

Chung Chung-hoon - Zombieland Double Tap

I also researched award winning cinemaphotographers from a long time ago to now and found some youtube videos that show this. (Click the blue links to view)

All best cinemaphotography winners oscars winners winners

Best cinemaphotography 2000- 2020

1975 winning bestcinemaphotography

After researching award winning cinemaphotographers I picked out a two scenes from films I like and broke down the cinemaphotography.



This scene from Inception is mostly lit with natural lighting from the windows, but it's still a dark scene this is because of the newspapers on the bottom half of the windows, this gives the scene a dim and eerie feeling, it tells the veiwer what they are doing and no one can know about it, we can also assume this because of the building that they are in. The building looks quite industrial and spacious and it's perfect for what they are doing, and because it's industrial looking and run down we can asssume that the building is quite secluded or atleast somewhere away from the public eye. They also have all their equipment in their too.

Dark Knight


In this scene Joker and his goons rob a bank and are seen with guns causing havoc, a man in the bank grabs a gun and starts to open fire at them. This scene starts with natural light because it's mostly outside but when we go into the bank it's lit up with these big yellow lights giving the scene a yellowy tone throughout. This scene has two largly implemented colours blacks silvers and yellows and some blues. The camera movement is consisted of a lot of panning shots and hand held moving shots.

We ceated these posters and teasers as a way to get the public interested in our film and hopefully make them want to watch the film. We did this because it shows that we are proud of our film and want other people to watch it and give their own opinions on it.

Posters And Teasers For The Film

Media CV

Letter for Application



The first week we started fiming in college were we created a kitchen and bedroom set for all the scenes which included these two sets. This week was very fun to film as we all enjoyed doing our individual roles on  set and we all worked together to create high standard scenes in which we were very proud of. The following week we were filming in a cafe where these scenes were set, shooting on this set was very exciting because it was outside of college which gave us all the real life experience of filming at a location we picked and filmed by ourselves which made it so that we were all working as a team this gave us all teamwork experience through out making this film. Moving into the third week of shooting we started filming the car scene with Kadie Bradley outside the boxing gym. This week was really fun to film as we were able to have a moving car in one of our shots in this scene, which might not seem interesting but it's quite a big thing to impliment into a scene as it gives us another interesting shot meaning it would be better to have that shot in there rather than not having it. Coming round to the fourth week of shooting we were filming at the boxing gym were we got all shots and scenes completed in two days, we were very proud of this since there was quite a few scenes and shots that we needed. hooting in the boxing gm was a really fun and cool experience, being able to use boxing gloves and punching bags and even being able to use the ring gave us a lot of opportunities to get as much footage as we can and we got a lot which were used. A big thank you to the owners of the boxing gym for letting us use their gym for our film they really did help us out a lot y letting us do this. This film my role was Director of photography (DOP) this meant I was in charge of the camera team and made sure that everyone on the camera team was doing what they were supposed to be doing and is of a high standard. Everything we can include in our films that make sense and give the scenes a little more of something then we'll do it. This whole shoot was amazing to be apart of and i'm so glad we got it finished and now it's going to be on the big screen for others to enjoy it. 

Production Company Logo

Photos taken on set


We are distrubuting the film on the ufilms Youtube channel, following up to the screening of the film as a team we created trailers, posters and teasers. All these things are to get the audience excited for the screening. Also by doing this it gets more people interested in the film and hopefully make them want to watch it. 


Overall I think this film has came together perfectly, everyone on set worked really hard to make this film what it is, every department did there jobs amzingly from the Director's to the producer to the camera team to the make up artists, everyone did a great job at making this film what it is and I hope when people see the film on the big screen they can see that a lot of hard work went into it. Personally being the Director of photography on this film I really enjoyed even if there was a few things that I felt that I wasn't perfect at. One of those things being not being the best at the role in general I feel like I didn't put my all into the role and I don't know why because I was reallyexcited to do and to prove to myself that I could do it. However I do feel like there was positves, for example talking to the camera team and Director's about how we could make some shots look better or even just throwing ideas out there. I feel like my most poor part about doing the role was communication I feel like I could of been a lot better at communicating with my team and making sure they know things that they need to wether that br for a shoot day or paperwork etc. I've definitley learned from this experience and I hope to strive to do better in future projects. In conclusion being apart of this film was really fun and a big learning experience overall, I hope that when I leave college I make more projects like this with  crew as good as the one who helped create this great piece of cinema.
