Horror film Suspense

The Favour

The Favour (FILM)


For this project I researched films such as hereditary, the conjuring saga, the shining and more!. During my research I found out what makes scenes in horror films tense and scary, a lot of what makes horror films scary is the audio, the audio creates the tones for each individual scene or throughout the whole film, a horror film with no audio would not be the same, it simply just wouldn't be scary, this is because audio is such a key role in a horror film, whether that is music or just simple sound effects to create that suspense and tension filled scene. I also researched colour grading and lighting and how that plays into making a suspense piece work and making it fit that specific genre.


The production design for the film was all about making it look like it was set in the 18th century, a time where the tales and the legend of vampires were first widley reported, the building we stayed in while filming in whitby was quite old, the building was built in 1934 making it 87 years old. This meant that it was full of time period architecture, we took advantage of this and used the main stairway in the building to film our final scene, which turned out to look amazing when the final edit was finshed.

                                                (Image from the final scene with the stairway)

The whole film is in black and white which helps to make things that look very modern in a colour that it's originally filmed in, to look like it is in a different time or era etc. By making the film all black and white it also adds to the suspense of the film which the task was, i also think by making it all black and white it keeps it simple but not simple at the same time, by that i mean the colour grading is simple but even though it is it still gives off the suspense tone and sets the mood for the whole film.


On set we took photos which we could use in any paperwork that they maybe needed for, or even just for our blogs to show behind the scenes on where we were filming, here's some photos of when we were filming at Whitby Abbey. 

Filming at the Abbey was a really fun experience, it was such a great location which gave me as the camera operator a lot to work with, the shots were so atmospheric and it looked even better once the film was finished. Everyone on set did a great job wether that be the cast or the crew both did excellent work and put in 110% the whole production. But there was some issues with a couple areas such as cummunication, communication from crew to cast wasn't the best and definitley could of been improved, also not having specific paperwork on the day which we needed as it would of helped for example not having a shot list on set was a need and we didn't have it, which was my fault because i forgot to print it off, but because of my mistake iv'e learnt to always make sure you have all the paperwork you need on set with you and to every location.


Filming at the Abbey was a really fun experience, it was such a great location which gave me as the camera operator a lot to work with, the shots were so atmospheric and it looked even better once the film was finished. Everyone on set did a great job wether that be the cast or the crew both did excellent work and put in 110% the whole production. But there was some issues with a couple areas such as cummunication, communication from crew to cast wasn't the best and definitley could of been improved, also not having specific paperwork on the day which we needed as it would of helped for example not having a shot list on set was a need and we didn't have it, which was my fault because i forgot to print it off, but because of my mistake iv'e learnt to always make sure you have all the paperwork you need on set with you and to every location.


Working up to filming this project we had to create pre-production paperwork, this helped us to make sure everyone on set knew exactly what they were going to do, and when they where going to be doing it, pre-production paperwork is very significant to filming because it makes sure everything is planned and correctly used when shooting. We evenly spread out all paperwork with eachother so that it would take less time to do and so we could take advantage of the time we had after for the actual planning for the shooting days. The planning for this film was quite fun because there were ideas being thrown everywhere, we had a lot of brainstorming sessions which i think helped a lot, because there were so many creative fun ideas that were great and we were so excited to incorporate these ideas into the film, the planning was mostly exciting because everyone was saying ideas to one another then bouncing back of eachother which made for amazing conversations about how we were going to take these plans and ideas and turn them into this great film, which i think we definitley did. Sure we didn't use a lot of the things we talked about in the film but a bunch of good ideas we talked about were put in and looked really good!














Colour grading and lighting

For the most part this film used mostly natural lighting this is because we had weather issues that made it not possible to film when it was dark, but even know we ran into this problem we perseveared and adjusted to the current situation which was filming the next morning in the daylight, this mant that we filmed during the day but in the edit day to night was used, but nontheless it still turned out great thanks to the editor on the film Alex Temperley who also directed the film. In the end the time of dat didn't really matter because we still got what we wanted to film filmed other than a few tweaks to the script, but this was only because of a time issue because we had to leave the hostel by 10AM which meant we had to shorten the script and come out with a secondary option which we all came up with in a group meeting, but it still turned out to be really good, and worked very well. 


In conclusion to the whole trip, i think it went very well considering the issues we faced as a team and resolved them quite quickly and made sure that this film would turn out good and which it did, but i do think we had an issue as a team which was communication with the actors, i do think that this could of been a lot better, but as a team and as a crew we have learned from this mistake and will improve on this. But other than that i think we worked quite good as a team, and i would definitley work with the same people again on projects to come. I also enjoyed being the camera operator for this project it was really fun to film the scenes and certain shots in this film, and everyone else in the crew were really good at their specific role within the crew which made the filming part very exciting because everyone was enjoying what they were doing for the project which also made everything run very smooth on set. The make-up artsits also did a fantastic job with the make-up it looked exactly how it was supposed to and looked great on camera!. I will also say that the actors did an amazing job on set and they made this film what it is so thank you to them. Sienna Pounder, Morgan Harvey, William Hart, Aiden Hope, Henry Walton, Ash Perfitt, Harvey Farrell, and Phoebe Howard. They were all amazing and played their characters perfectly.


Alex Temperley as - Director
Sophie Medd as - Assistant Director
Joshua Jorgensen as - Camera Operator
Megan Boyes as - Lighting Technicion

Make-up artists

Sophie Symes
Lola Bailey
George Oakley

Sienna Pounder as - The Lady
William Hart as - John
Henry Walton as - Boy 1
Aiden Hope as - Boy 2
Ash Perfitt as - Boy 3
Harvey Farrell as - Boy 4
Morgan Harvey as - Boy 5
