Final film ideas

 1st Idea Mystery Genre

A girl called Leah loses her father who fought in the army when she was very young, well that's what she thought, as the girl grew older she hated the fact that she grew up without a father figure in her life with that in mind she kept thinking about what if he didn't die what if he was just missing?. The now 18 year old girl began to realise that her fathers death wasn't documented, neither was there a funeral, the only thing that she was told  about her fathers death was that he was KIA, when she would ask her mother about her father she wouldn't say a word about it, she would just avoid the question.

2nd idea Horror Genre 

A woman walks into a coffee shop and orders a coffee, she then proceeds to pay for what she thinks is a coffee until she drinks it and realises it's tea, she confronts the cashier about this mistake and gets the drink she wanted, she then is confronted by a woman in all black and sunglasses and is told that she has to come with her, the woman refuses but In the blink of an eye she awakes in a bed in someone else's house, she runs to the door, the door is locked, suddenly there is a creaking sound coming from the other side of the door, and a note is pushed under the door towards the woman, the woman picks up the note and reads it, it read YOU MUST STAY. Furthermore the woman decided to try open the door as hard as she possibly could but it wouldnt budge, a dark angered figure appears behind the woman making a creak sound, she sees it in a mirror to her right, she turns slowly but the figure is gone. Another note is passed under the door reading He likes you the woman is left terrified
