1000 Word Analysis

 The first music video is self care by Mac Miller

I chose this music video because it's got quite a unique shots and hidden meanings, in the image above you can see Mac Miller buried alive in a box, here Mac is showing a visual representation of when you feel like your dead but your very much alive, this visual representation is showing how he feels mentally and how life sometimes used to make him feel buried. In this image he also isn't trying to escape he's accepted what is happening and gets comfortable, so comfortable in fact he starts smoking a cigerette.He's also got a flashlight this again relates back to the fact he is trapped in his own mind, and also relates back to the fact that he's accepted the fact he can't escape and he's willing to spend as much time as he can in their until he knows he can escape.

Mac Miller carves on top of his box "momento mori" which is latin for " remember we must die" he does because he is still trapped and his thought's are keeping him there. Mac knows that he can escape but he won't allow himself to because of the way he is feeling, but deep down he is fighting and soon enough he will escape and see life in a new light again.

this image  shows Mac Miller escaping the box, this shows that even when life get's you down you can always get back up and overcome anything. The clothes Mac Miller is wearing relate to the fact he was buried alive, this is because he appears to be wearing some sort of white transparent like material.Meaning that he knew he'd get himself out of what he was feeling in the moment, because of this he wore protected material over his clothes for when he escaped, and was free again.

The second music video is ICON by Jaden

This music video is very fashion centred, Jaden wears very out there jewellery and clothing, this is his way of him expressing himself, the video itself is very upbeat, it's a song you would dance too. The main reason i chose this video was because i like the way it's colour graded and edited, it's a quite simple music video one location and the use of mainly mid-shots and full shots.The distinctive colours in the video give it that extra feel to it that gives the audience a better a feel for the song itself. 

The contrast of both videos

The first music video is pretty dark and depressing with a range of bright and dark lighting, compared to the second music video which is very upbeat cheerful and lively, the main difference between the music videos is that one is quite sad but sometimes can be pretty upbeat at times, where as the second music video is non stop jumping around dancing having fun with it. The first music video has a lot more intricacies and there is a lot of attention to detail, it was very thought through from the lyrics to the video itself, the costume consolidates everything from him being buried underground to him escaping.The second music video contrasts to this by Jaden being alive happy having fun on what looks to be on a hill overlooking onto a beautiful view, in the back he also has his car which indicates that he can drive and is free to go wherever he wants, this contrasts to the first music video because Mac Miller is trapped at the start in a box buried underground but also when he escapes because he still has it in the back of his mind that he fell into a dark place, but for now he has escaped it and is trying to live without that feeling of being trapped in your own mind.In Jaden's music video he was dancing to the beat and the overall flow. In the lyrics "What you call a icon living, start a record label, MISFITS just did it" Jaden is stating the fact that he's started a record label, and Jaden is not that old in fact he quite young when he made music video he was 19 at just 19 years of age he created a whole record label.This contrasts to Mac Miller's lyrics "i switched the time zone, but what do i know? spending night's hitchhiking where will i go?" this is Mac basically saying that he's on a journey he doesn't know where he's going but he knows he'll get somewhere. Mac Miller and Jaden Smith are two completely different people with two completely different background's. Jaden's lyrics vs Mac Miller's lyrics are very different, making their music videos even more unique to one another. In doing so Mac Millers lyrics are really deep and hit hard to a generation of people who can relate his lyrics. Jaden's lyrics are lyrics that make you want to jump around and have fun with your friends, these two ways of song writing expressing the way the truly feel. Also Jaden has a very political background that he also talks about in his songs,another contrast is that jaden's music videos are all very simple compared to Mac Millers intricult detailed music videos that relate to every lyric of his and tells a specific story. Jaden also tells a story but does it in a very short and sweet way, he get's his point across and stops, where as Mac Miller tells a story through his lyrics and his music video making it more than just getting the point across he put time and effort into making sure every lyric and every shot matched up syncing perfectly creating a great music video. In conclusion i think both artists made great music videos in their own way, giving two whole different ways of creating a music video and two whole different genres, but both getting the job done but in two entirely different ways. I also think that visually both music videos were excellent and well put together, meaning every clip made sense and wasn't just put together,they both also used really good locations, i think the locations of the videos were also very clever in what they wanted to achieve. 
