Writing task (thursdays lesson)

In a small town where one man and one women meet randomly after they both join the towns new police force, this new police force was created because of the recent events that have occured in the town.The man and woman decisively plan how to tackle this situation at hand, and stop these tragic incidents from happening again. The town in the state of Georgia was rarely visited and had a population just over 5,000. On Monday the 5th of March 2022 a body was found and the woman acted quickly on this and instantly told the man and they started investigating, the woman told the man where the body was and they instantly drove straight there, when they got to the location there were no police or or any sort of law inforcement around. This was strange due to the fact there had been a body found, and no one but the woman and the man where at the scene of the crime. The man starts getting a little bit suspicous about the whole situation and goes to call more officers to the scene, but as the man goes to do this, the woman stops him and tells him she wants just the two of them to check out the situation first, the man agrees and follow the woman to the body when they arrive at the crime scene itself the woman stands there and smiles as the man desperatly tries to radio the police station but gets no radio signal the woman laughs more intensively! the man looks at the woman! the woman leaps at him with a shiny object in one hand!...
