Idea for two person conversation

                                                                      Two person conversation

Idea: Best friends since Kindergarten  Emily and Samantha have a conversation about leaving school and going to college, and how their going to separate after school but Emily tries to persuade Samantha that there still going to connect and keep in touch with one another, but Samantha doesn't believe her. And the flashback is going to be both characters reminiscing on the fun times they had in school, and Samantha gets angry and upset because she thinks they won't have what they have as a friendship now, in the future.

   Characters: Emily Higgins and Samantha Grey     

Character Breakdown

 Emily Higgins: Emily Higgins is a 17 year old female from San Diego California, Emily lives out her days going to school and going out with friends on the weekend. Emily is also really smart, and is looking to go to Berkeley College but she will be separated from her best friends.

Samantha Grey: Samantha Grey is also a 17 year old girl from San Diego California and is best friends with Emily, Samantha is going to Harvard University which is in a completely different state to Berkeley College where Emily is going.


              (Emily calls Samantha asking to meet to have chat about what's going to happen after school)

                                                                  (Samantha arrives...)

                                                            (Emily greets Samantha)


                                                                           Hey Sam...

                                                                (Emily hugs Samantha)


                                             Hey Emily... (Samantha replies in a low sad tone)

                (They both sit down opposite each other with drinks that Emily prepared for them both)


                                                    Are you okay...? (Emily says worryingly)               


                                                       Yeah,i'm fine (Samantha replies)


  Look Sam, i know it's going to be difficult not seeing each other for a while, but we will see each other again as soon as we possibly can, I think we should put our all into college, and put our friendship  a side just until we have settled into our new colleges, and learn to live without each other  ...                                                                                                        (Emily says with pace to get to the point) 


          Emily!, i know where going our separate way i get that!,but it's going to be really hard for me, your like my sister. We grew up together, we have been through everything together, and we are always side by side, and now it's all going to change, EVERYTHING! is going to change.

                                                                     (In a fit of rage Samantha splashes her drink all over Emily)


                                                         Ughhh, shit!, i'm sorry..

(Samantha starts to walk out,mid walk she stops, turns around, grabs a cloth and starts to help Emily clean up)


                                          (Emily stops Samantha and replies...)  

                                                   NO, STOP!, GO AWAY!                                         

                (Samantha paces out of the room leaving Emily alone thinking about her and Samantha)

      Flashback of a memory of Samantha walking back into the room happy and excited to see                                                      Emily, and Emily is excited to see her.
