Film 102 Task

                                                        Film 102 task

My Completed Action 

is about my usual morning routine but  made cinematic, meaning everything is going to be over dramatised to make it more appealing. I've started to think about what shots i'm going to use for example insert shots, close ups etc. I've also started to think about what im going to film for example

  • Shot of me getting out of bed
  • Next shot is walking towards bathroom 
  • Shot of plant pot in bathroom  
Photo Series Idea

My photo series idea is about a character getting ready to leave the house , showing their style in clothes what jewellery they wear and what they do in the morning etc. My brother will be the actor in the photos portraying exactly what he does before leaving the house.

Process Documentary Idea

My process documentary idea is to follow my mam cooking on multiple camera angles, this idea is my plan b to my other idea because it wasn't possible to be done anymore. By doing this idea i can show the different ways that my mam cooks to others and how she does it in her own way without any direction at all. Furthermore this idea would be very cool to edit and hopefully i can make it the best to my ability. Filming will start Saturday the 12th February  this will give me time to film and get everything i need done.

Two Person Conversation Idea

I Best friends since Kindergarten  Emily and Samantha have a conversation about leaving school and going to college, and how their going to separate after school but Emily tries to persuade Samantha that there still going to connect and keep in touch with one another, but Samantha doesn't believe her. And the flashback is going to be both characters reminiscing on the fun times they had in school, and Samantha gets angry and upset because she thinks they won't have what they have as a friendship now, in the future.

3 Part Action Task

When we started this project we made a presentation for our idea to present for the class, this presentation included  our story line, characters, and the actors which played them etc. After we made and showed our presentation we planned our filming days and started filming on our chosen days.

On the first day of filming we filmed the classroom scene and the corridor scene starting with the classroom scene we had Liz ( La Toya) walking into her classroom for the first time at her new college and walking up to her new teacher, she then gets pointed towards her seat which is next to a bunch of classmates laughing with their friends. Liz sits quietly and waits for the bell to sound, the bell goes of and the classmates start to leave, leaving Liz to leave on her own. While shooting this AD  it was important to show how Liz was feeling throughout her college days, we captured this by having a range of close up shots and mid shots. For example in the corridor scene Liz gets bumped into by other pupils leaving her feeling sad and outcasted from everybody else. We captured her emotions by getting a close up shot of Liz against the wall and showing her emotions through facial expressions.

On the second day of filming we started filming in the LRC to film the bookshelf sequence this shot didn't take that long to shoot but was very important to the overall product. We also filmed the shot of Serena, Kat and Elena ( Emie, Sienna, Kadie ) seeing Liz ( La Toya) and walking over to her. But before this shot we filmed the shot of the note Kat Elena and Serena left in the book Liz always reads everyday. After they go over to Liz they go to lunch together.

On the last day of shooting we filmed the scene where Liz sits down with her book and Kat Selena and Elena are seen in the background laughing with each other while Liz ( La Toya) looks from a far wanting to have friends like that. 

Working with Emie, Kadie, La Toya and Sienna was great there great actors and really made this advert what it is. It also wouldn’t of been possible without the help of Casey Weedall with the final edit she did a great job her work on this was much appreciated.

When we filmed we used a contrast of natural lighting and non natural lighting, this brought each shot to life and brightened up each scene to make it possible to see the actor and their each individual emotions through facial expression. I also was a one man team to create this AD which i'm very proud of.
Things I would improve: One thing i need to improve is to check for reflections because in one shot you can see the reflection of the camera in the board. This is something i will try to improve on in future projects. Also to not rush because i think rushing to get it done shows, especially with the reflection this probably wouldn't of happened if i took time and made sure little things like that weren't visible 

Things that went well: One thing that went well was that actors showed up for every shoot day and on time also things such as different shots we  got a wide variety of shots in, this made each shot unique, an example of this are before Liz picks up the note when its on the ground still (insert shot)
