Music video

 Music video task                                                                  

In today's lesson we learnt that there's 3 different types of music videos narrative, performance and
artistic and how they bring a song to life visually.

Using these types of methods can give a different feel to the overall product. Depending on what kind of music genre it is will decide what feel the music video has to bring to bring it to life, for example Bring me the horizon are a rock band meaning that the video will be a performance type video showing a lot of the band and them jumping around having fun with it.

An example of an musician that uses artistic visuals in his videos would be asap rocky the use of these visuals are used to give a didn't feel to the video and relate it to the song that's in the background

A example of a narrative music video would be someone like the Nf who has distinctive story lines in all of his music videos this keeps the audience locked in on the video, most of his videos are emotional meaning more people are intrigued and want to watch.


In the first viewing of the video video by snow patrol there where a lot of panning shots, tracking shots and insert shots of the instruments, there was also close up shots of the bands faces and them playing there instruments. In the video there was about 47 different shots and the speed of the shots varied, some were fast some where long, this keeps the viewer invested in the video and makes the viewer want to watch more.

In the second viewing of the video there was close ups of instruments and other significant stuff in the video.In the second part there was also more background stuff going on for example the lightning strikes etc.

technical codes

camerawork - Camera work is way different angles and  shots were took to give the audience a more immersive feel. In the snow patrol video there was no cuts but just the use of a (Steadicam) the whole way through, this simple style of shooting can still give of the same energy as if it had cuts.

Editing - Editing is used to give the final video a better look and makes it more enjoyable rather than shots just put together which is boring but sometimes it can be fine. Editing also  makes it not choppy and more enjoyable to watch.
