
                                                                            The lift


The man  waits in a lift for strangers to come, conversation between these strangers and the man all seem to have their own different stories to tell, emotion is flowing among these people in the lift connecting everyone. 

review of movie

I thought movie was really good in the way that he captured the emotions of the people he was recording by zooming into their faces and making the audience feel what there feeling in that moment of time, he also made friendships within his experience of meeting these people in the lift to the point where people began to feel comfortable with each other so much so they brought him food and had conversations with the man the women for example looked like she was lonely and needed someone to talk to, and the man who brought him looked like a giving man the creator of this movie portrayed all these people in a way that showed who they are personally and emotionally this attached both the audience and the man recording.

Thinking about the proximity and awkwardness of the filmmaker and location to the filmmaker do you think that this helps the narrative form naturally or do you think it forces a story?

It makes the narrative form very naturally it definitely wasn't forced and you can tell because of the way that it is filmed in, it is filmed in one steady mid shot and only sometimes to capture emotion it zoom's in.

If it had involved the specific level of planning that you usually associate with the factual genre and used footage of the people outside of the lift do you think it would have been as good? Or better?

I think it's better because it's natural if it was planned and directed i think it would of took away that natural feel,i also think if it was planned then you wouldn't of caught certain parts that relate to the overall story and losing them key parts that make it what it is.

Here's the link to the video LIFT | Future Shorts - YouTube
