
                                                            60 second documentary

We started by writing up what our idea was and how we were going to achieve it,we then started writing up questions for our interviews and how we were going to film it were going to film the students in college and film Nina who is the make up course's teacher over teams because she was unwell during our filming period, this video is an example of how where going to film Nina's interview. even though we had this inconvenience we still persevered and made it work. Our team consisted of Sophie, Jack and me, we have worked together as a team to provide a documentary that's easy to sit back and relax too. The Makeup course is actually quite interesting because of their hard work and the amazing work they create, this can range from beauty makeup, to SFX  makeup, both are extremely interesting.

The people we are going to interview are Nina Harper, Emily Wood and Ella Todd we will just be asking them one question each in order for it to be 60 seconds or under. At the start there will be a cut away to the Makeup  mirrors with a voice over leading into the actual interview this will happen for all interviews to make it less of the same thing throughout the documentary, so that it doesn't bore the audience watching it also brings more visual pleasure.

The shots we will be filming will be mostly mid shots for the interviews but there's also panning shots in between the interviews of the makeup room itself. We will also be using certain lighting to brighten up the shots and make the interviewee more seen on camera. this video shows how we want the interview to look and is a example how it would be shot which will be a constant mid shot.

Here's the link to our documentary:Documentary i think overall it went well we got all the things we wanted to film, filmed and it went really well. Editing also went accordingly and smoothly here is a image showing how the edit looked when finished in after affects. We used all natural lighting and it looked good on camera and that's all that mattered. When filming Neive and Ella were amazing and we appreciated them taking the time out of their day to help us film this Documentary.
