Shot angles


Shot angles

High angle shot -

 A high angle shot can be used to diminish a character’s power. High shots can also establish scenes and present the scale of things. Here's an example of a High angle shot from The avengers.

Low angle shot - 

A low angle shot is used a shot that is below the eye line, the shot also gives a character or characters on screen a powerful look. An example of this is this shot from star wars.

Overhead shot -

 The overhead shot is where the camera is directly above the subject and it allows the audience in on the action but still maintains character detail. This is an example of the overhead shot in The great Gatsby.

Dutch angle shot -

The dutch angle shot is where the camera has a tilt to it and is set at a specific angle, dutch angles also enhances tension in a scene and also creates a feeling of madness, disorientation etc. Here is a example of The dutch angle shot. 

Eye level shot -

The eye level shot where the camera is in level with the actors eye, this shot is used to over dramatize a scene and give the audience a familiar perspective.

