Production diary/4 min film

Story                                                           4 min film

Wakes up late for work                                               link to film:

Iron breaks when he tries to iron his work clothes and starts to put them on anyway

He walks up the stairs tying his tie and walks to the bathroom mirror

He leans over a candle when looking in the mirror and his tie sets alight

He then threw his tie into the sink and turns the tap on ruining his tie

He then gets in his car and starts to drive to work and sees his fuel is low he then speeds to a petrol station but runs out of petrol on the way and has to run to the petrol station with a jerry can and run back to fill his car up. After he got his fuel he proceeds to drive to work when he arrives he sprints into his workplace and runs into his managers office and has an argument with his boss and ends up being fired and as he leaves his workplace he sees his car had been stolen.



1st scene = In bedroom in his bed                                       prop list                                             costume list

2nd scene = In the kitchen                                                     jerry can                                            suit x2 and tie x1 


3rd scene = up the stairs into bathroom                             work clothes (tie)            

4th scene = still in the bathroom                                           car                                                                              

5th scene = bathroom                                                             locations

6th scene = car                                                                          Any road

7th scene = side of road                                                          college


8th scene = petrol station                                                        Petrol station

9th scene = gets back into car                                                 office

10th scene = arrives at workplace

11th scene =  sprinting through workplace

12th scene = boss’s office                                                          characters/cast

                                                                                                      Phil - Bailey 

Bailey did a great job at presenting this character in the way I wanted to be presented and really give the character a background and story.

                                                                                                      The boss - Martin

Martin also did a great job playing this role and giving the character a realistic tone and realistic mannerisms, I’d get Martin in another one of my films if necessary.

13th leaving workplace                                                               director – Josh



14th outside workplace                                                                 


Shot list


Close up

Close up of phil in bed wakes up to his alarm not gone off


Mid shot

Phil in the kitchen going to iron his clothes


Full 1 shot

Phil going up stairs


Mid shot

He walks into bathroom


Mid shot

Phil looking In mirror


Wide shot 1 shot

Phil walks to car and gets in


Close up

Phil driving to work and sees his fuel is low so he speeds to petrol station. Runs out of fuel


Wide shot

Phil running into petrol station with jerry can


Mid shot

Phil runs back to car and fills it up and proceeds to drive to work



Phil arrives at his workplace and sprints in to his boss’s office


2 shot mid shot

Phil with his boss arguing



Phil leaves workspace and sees his car has been stolen realising he left the keys in the ignition


Character breakdown

Phil – Phil is a 39 year old depressed and lonely man who’s wife died 6 years ago in a deadly car crash, Phil spends his days watching tv and playing Xbox, Phil gets angry at small things in life but especially at things like talking to people who nosey in on his personal life that he doesn’t want to talk about. The only

The Boss – The boss is a 56 year old wealthy man that hasn’t got a care in the world for anyone or anything other than his business he has 4 kids and a wife which neither love each other the only thing keeping them together is his wealth and their kids.his work clothes but the iron doesn't work leaving him frustrated 

After film

On the first day we shot in college in the green screen room and filmed a argument scene with Martin as the boss and bailey as Phil, they both did a good job during the filming process and they listened to what i wanted them to do. They did this from the start to the end.

what went well

The different shots, angles and techniques i wanted went well with the scenes also the use of different editing techniques brought a whole new feel to the scenes.

improvements that could be made

I think i could of made an improvement in my time management because i didn't film everything i wanted to in the end which was disappointing and made the film look choppy and by not filming what i needed to, it didn't make as much sense as it would of if i had filmed them scenes.
