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Final Film Blog

  Arbour "Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself" Final film linked below. Final Film:  Arbour Research For research I researched films that fit the genre and having features which correlate with our film. The first film I looked at was knives out, this film is about a murder of a reputable crime novelist who's family end up all being potential murder suspects. The family call upon a detective called Benoit Blanc to investigate the murder. This film has multiple aspects that are similar to our film. For example, the colour grading in most scenes are similar to the type of colour grading in our film, another aspect of the film that is similar is the fact that a murder has been committed but the audience don't know who did it. This aspect is quite a key aspect in our film, this is because in our film the crime has been commited and you know the person is dead b

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